Disclosure of the world’s highest warped building project

2018-06-04 16:58 bewellstone.com
A recent report by the United States High Buildings and Urban Housing Committee (CTBUH) revealed that there are currently 28 "twisted skyscrapers" that have either been built or are under construction.
A map of the latest industrial studies of distorted architecture in the world reveals that "twisting skyscrapers" is more popular than ever before. Of these "twisted skyscrapers," the tallest is the 632-meter Shanghai Tower. It is currently the second tallest building in the world.
The above list includes several recent projects, including the 306-meter-high Cayan Tower designed by SOM Architects in Dubai; Absolute World Towers designed by MAD Architects in Canada. - Also known as "Marilyn-Monroe Tower," and the new residential building designed by Miami's Bija-Ingles Group (BIG) in Miami.
The above list also includes several twisted high-rise building projects under construction, from the well-conceived “Diamond Tower” in Saudi Arabia to a plant-covered building like a DNA chain in Taiwan.
The Tall Buildings and Urban Housing Committee's definition of “distorted building” is that its floors are gradually distorted, or its surface is gradually distorted and heightened. It claims that the first twisted skyscraper was Malmo's Turning Torso in Sweden, just 11 years ago (2005) by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Completed.
The Chicago-based high-rise building and urban residential committee said that the trend of “distorted building” growth is “creating a new generation of landmark buildings in the world”. The report of the High-Rise Building and Urban Housing Committee acknowledged that many "distorted building" projects were at a standstill. They were not included in the 28 "warped buildings" mentioned above.
1. The CTBUH has charted the tallest twisted building in the world.
2. The 632-meter Shanghai Tower designed by Gensler Architects is the tallest twisted building in the world.
3. The "Diamond Tower" currently under construction in Saudi Arabia.
4. The 306-meter-high Cayan Tower designed by SOM Architects in Dubai is the third tallest "distorted building" in the world.
5. A Japanese architect, Kengo Kuma, in Dallas, Texas, is building a "warped building" designed for Rolex.
CTBUH Showcases World's Tallest Warped Building Project