The assembly-style development is in full swing. We have organized for you some of the things that we must know about "preparedness" in 2017. I believe there is a certain amount of help for the project construction. Let's look at it together.
Government department
The opinion of the General Office of the State Council on promoting the sustainable and sound development of the construction industry mentioned that “(iii) Accelerating the implementation of general contracting of projects. In principle, the general contracting model should be adopted for assembly-type buildings. The government investment project should improve the construction management model and take the lead in implementing the project. General contracting: Accelerating the improvement of the general contracting-related system requirements for tendering, tendering, construction permitting, completion acceptance, etc. In accordance with the principle of total contracting responsibility, implement the general contractor's responsibility in project quality and safety, schedule control, and cost management. In addition to projects that are temporarily included in the general contracting contract and must be tendered according to law, the general contractor may directly issue other professional services covered by the general contract."
Industry leader
Yi Jun mentioned at a press conference to promote the sustained and healthy development of the construction industry, “To promote smart and fabricated buildings, promote innovation in construction methods, realize standardized design, factory production, assembly construction, integrated decoration, and information management. Smart application."
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a symposium on national assembly-type construction work. The main contents of the meeting were to discuss the technology of assembly-type building development, exchange the development of prefabricated buildings, and deploy prefabrication-type construction.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the Notice on the “13th Five-Year Plan for Assembled Building Action”, the “Management Method for Prefabricated Building Demonstration Cities,” and the “Administrative Measures on Fabricated Building Industrial Base”.
The relevant departments of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development organized the “Technical Review Points for the Construction Drawing Design Documents for Assembled Concrete Structure Construction Projects” in accordance with the Technical Standards such as the Technical Regulations for Assembled Concrete Structures.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development mentioned in the letter regarding the opinion of the "General Qualification Standard for General Contractors for Construction" (Consultation Draft) that construction projects in the company's engineering performance have been responsible for the total construction of the three types of projects in the following four categories in the past five years. Contracting or main project contracting, project quality is qualified.
(1) Buildings over 120 meters in height;
(2) 2 items of construction work for a single span of more than 30 meters (or more than 36 meters for a single span of a steel structure) in a single span of a reinforced concrete structure;
(3) A construction project with a single contract amount of more than RMB 500 million, which is contracted by general contracting of the project;
(4) Prefabricated construction projects with a height of 60 meters or more.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has organized and issued the "Construction-Building Project Consumption Quota," which will be implemented from March 1, 2017. "Assembly-type construction project consumption quota" and "house construction and decoration project consumption quota" (TY01-31-2015) are used in conjunction with the original "house construction and decoration project consumption quota" (TY01-31-2015) Related assembly type building component installation sub-items (fixed number 5-356 to 5-373) shall be abolished at the same time.

Standard specification
◆ The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development approved the "Technical Standard for Assembled Concrete Buildings" as a national standard, numbered GB/T 51231-2016, and will be implemented as of June 1, 2017.
◆ The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development approved the “Technical Standard for Assembled Steel Structure Construction” as a national standard, numbered GB/T 51232-2016, and will be implemented as of June 1, 2017.
◆ The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development approved the "Technical Standard for Assembled Timber-Framed Buildings" as a national standard, numbered GB/T 51233-2016, and implemented since June 1, 2017.
◆ The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development approved the "Technical Specification for the Assembled Reinforced-beam Hybrid Beam Frame Structure" as an industry standard, numbered JGJ/T400-2017, and will be implemented as of October 1, 2017.
◆ Letter from the Department of Standardization and Quota of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development regarding the solicitation of opinions on the national standard “Assembly Building Evaluation Standards (Draft for Comment)”.
◆ Letter from the Department of Standardization and Quota of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the solicitation of opinions on the industry standard "Technical Regulations for the Application of Assembled Monolithic Toilets (Consultation Draft)".
◆ Letter from the Department of Standardization and Quota of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the solicitation of opinions on the industry standard "Applied Whole Kitchen Applied Technology Standards (Draft for Solicitation of Comments)".